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D8X units, like the D8R or D8C units, are dispensing safes with the same vending and outer door hardware. D8X units also feature the AuditLok XLV display and keypad. Because the D8X is designed for stand-alone economy, the unit does not print reports, store audit data, or interface with other AuditLok XLV controller or remote devices. The D8X does feature Medeco key switches for normal and armor car door access. An inner compartment with key lock is optional.
Display, manual drop drawer, tube lock and manager key, ACO key, on-standby key, 80 tubes included, dipstick included.
NKL magnetic coin racks are designed to hold 10 standard NKL AuditLok XLV style tubes. These tubes can hold rolls of almost any coin or cash denomination. The new center-dividing tubes do not require caps, which are easily lost, while providing secure capture of contents while loaded into NKL Dispensing (D8) Autobank safes.
D8X Cash Handling safes feature a tube dispensing system, manual drop drawer, 3-point low-profile NKL bolt-work hardware, automatic locking detent mechanism, and burglary resistant lock. The dispensing assembly holds up to 80 tubes (8 columns hold up to 10 tubes each). A tube-lock prevents unauthorized tube loading or fishing. The D8X also features Medeco key switches for normal and armor car door access. An inner compartment with key lock is optional. Specs: 32"H x 21.5"W x 19"D exterior footprint, 420 lb ship wt (with optional inner compartment), display, manual drop drawer, tube lock and manager key, ACO key, on-standby key, 80 tubes included, dipstick included.
32"H x 21.5"W x 19"D
420 lbs
D8X stand alone unit features basic dispensing capabilities that provides simple vend and door control without the advanced features of the D8C,
Positive user ID, 100 users,
20,000 line Audit Trail,
80 tube dispensary,
Magnetic tube racks,
Outer door delay,
Vend delay,
3 point boltwork,
Medeco key switches for normal and armored car door access,
Optional inner compartment with keylock,
Manual drop drawer,
One-Standby key switch for added operational control,
Lock: AuditLok XLV electronics