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These D8C & V2R side by side safes form a small footprint system. Sold and installed as a pair, they include all of the dispensing capabilities of a D8C with all of the validating capabilities of a standard CashCode version V2R. This V2R hardware is condensed to the smallest possible footprint and bolted to the side of the D8C for more convenient installation. As a cash handling system, Autobank safes give you the benefit of system-wide financial reporting through a single point of control.
The 4-line fluorescent display makes it possible for the operator to easily see on-screen instructions, making it easier than ever to follow directions and efficiently use the safe's dispensing and validating capabilities. The AuditLok XLV keypad also allows quick access to other advanced features such as printing reports, programming users or configuration parameters, and even more advanced features such as buying change with the built-in validators.
The D8C inner compartment is optional. The display, printer, manual drop drawer, tube lock key, power supplies, and 80 tubes are included. UPS required (sold separately).
The V2R is equipped with two CashCode single-note feed bill validators. Each validator comes with its own 1500 note cassette offering a total capacity of 3000 notes.
Designed for virtually any type of safe, the patented AuditLok XLV electronics used on in both Autobank safes in this system resulting in a unique and powerful cash handling platform. This system is supported by NKL Edge software.
PDF - D8V2 NKL Autobank Combined Vending and Validating D8/V2 System Spec Sheet
32"H x 27.5"W x 19"D (footprint)
625 lbs combined approx. ship weight (when equipped with D8 inner compartment)
Used Anywhere Cash is Handled
Positive Optic Tube Count
AuditLok XLV Electronics
Modular Interfaces to Multiple Units
Magnetic Tube Racks (for storing empty tubes - two included)
80 Tube Dispensary
Dual Language
Printed Receipts & Reports
20,000 Line Audit Trail
Delays, Timelocks
Manual Drop Drawer
AC Operated
3-Point Low-Profile Boltwork
Fully Programmable
wo CashCode validators with 1500 note back-load cassettes
Positive I.D., 100 Users
Easy to See Fluorescent Display
Easy to Use "Action" Buttons
Burglary & Duress Alarms